Saying Goodbye

If your Pet is Nearing the End

Naturally, you want to ease their way. The decision to euthanize is a very difficult decision to make but is a necessary decision when the animal is starting to suffer as a result of its incurable disease and drugs are no longer available or enough to help relieve this suffering. Please consult with your veterinary professional! If your pet is not in pain, there are many things you can do at home to naturally help your pet through the process of letting go of life. Here are some helpful recommendations: Please consult with your veterinary professional!

As you wish to comfort your pet, speak soothingly to him or her. Keep lighting soft, and you may also want to put on some soothing music in the background.

Comforting your Loved One

  1. Since his or her circulation could be slowing down, you may wish to cover your pet with a blanket.
  2. Do not force him or her to eat. Keep their mouth moistened if possible, by gently dripping water onto their tongue.
  3. Recognize that when death is near, their senses will begin to fail. The first is their sense of smell, followed by the senses of taste and sight. The last to go will be their hearing.
  4. Gently reposition him or her, if needed, to make them more comfortable.
  5. Allow your pet to choose the place he or she wishes to lay down, and then make him or her as comfortable as possible by surrounding them with well-loved toys, pictures, etc.
  6. Respect their need for solitude, but don’t feel a need to isolate your pet from the family. Just like you, your pet would like to be surrounded by those people he or she loves most. Stay close, but don’t crowd your pet, or make them nervous by being too close.

Time to Say Goodbye

A Practical Guide to Pet Euthanasia
The difficult decision to euthanize a beloved family pet is an issue all too often faced by pet parents. The simple truth is that most pets do not have a long lifespan and we humans often outlive them many times over. Consequently, most people who take on the love and joy of owning a companion animal will at some point need to face the sad realities of their furred, scaled or feathered friend's mortality. If you are at this point, your veterinarian can and will be a guide for you during this time. There will be medical discussions, quality of life discussions, financial discussions and every other element of end-of-life care factors that will need to be part of the process. There will be another part of this decision that you should also consider the fact that you are the pet parent and you know your pet better than anyone does. As the guardian of this pet, you are intuitively aware of your pet’s emotions, feelings, and communicative nature, all points of consideration during this emotional decision making time. The following information can be used as a practical guide to the euthanasia of pet animals.


The euthanasia topics are covered in the following order:

Online Pet Memorials

Grieving families today have a unique opportunity, born of Internet-based technologies: the online memorial pet tribute. Similar in concept to the online tribute websites available for human members of a community, our full-featured online pet memorials, will give you and your friends and family unique ways to pay tribute to your pet, including:

  • The Lighting of Memorial Candles
  • A Gallery of Treasured Photographic Memories

  • Memorial Donations Placement
  • Personal Messages of Condolence

If an online tribute dedicated to the memory of your pet sounds like a wonderful way to pay tribute to their loyal devotion, we can help you to host a pet memorial service or pet funeral that’s a fitting expression of the love you shared with your pet. Our experienced staff can assist you in making all the arrangements, we invite you to call us today at 801-487-2814, or stop by our office at 1727 South Major Street Salt Lake City, UT 84115 to explore the many unique ways to celebrate the life of your animal companion, and acknowledge their love and loyalty.

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